Before I write an enthralling post about what I learned from my accident on the Skykomish River yesterday, I wanted to give a heads-up about what appears to be a really cool organization, Peak 7 Adventures. It’s a non-profit ministry that teaches underprivileged and at-risk youths how to whitewater kayak, raft, climb and backpack, and they have a great website at

Yesterday three Peak 7 guys, Brian, Blake, and Austin, who are from Spokane and doing some local rivers this weekend, stopped on Highway 2 to give me and Brett Barton a ride into Index, and seeing as I had just broken 3 ribs and hiked off the river for 30 minutes I REALLY appreciated it – plus they had a truck crammed full of kayaking gear, so it was nice of them to fit us in. (By the way, the reason I call myself a bonehead in the post title is that the accident was totally my fault – but that’s another blog post… )
Blake gave me some encouraging words in the car about how he had bruised some ribs once and they really hurt but healed quickly, but after seeing me lurching around the car in Index his verdict was, “Umm, you should probably get that checked out.” :)
Anyway, the Peak 7 motto is “Challenging the Body, Engaging the Spirit”, which I think is very cool, and their website is well worth checking out. They’re also hiring a full-time Seattle area director, so if that’s up your alley click here for info – the application deadline is 12/15/09.
Thank you very much for posting this. We appriciate the shout out.
Have a great week,
You’re welcome Ryan, it was nice meeting these guys and it looks like you have a great organization!